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September-October 1998   Volume 50, No. 5,    Issue No. 473

The Sabbath Sentinel Marches Into the 21st Century!

Since 1945, The Sabbath Sentinel has been a magazine dedicated to promoting the Sabbath. What is its future and where will it be headed in the new century? This article provides insight into our direction and service to Sabbath-keepers and what we need from the Sabbath community to accomplish our goals.

Our Background

The Bible Sabbath Association (BSA)-was established in 1945, as a nonsectarian association of Sabbath-keepers. Since its inception, BSA has been a forum, a network, a users group, for Sabbath-keepers, dedicated to promoting and preserving the seventh-day Sabbath. The BSA's officers and members include Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh Day Baptists, Church of God (7th Day), former Worldwide Church of God members, United Church of God, Global Church of God, Church of God International, Assembly of Yahweh, other groups and independents. BSA is not a church, therefore does not seek to join all Sabbath-keepers into one group. Instead, The BSA's purpose is to promote the Sabbath understanding and dialogue between

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all Sabbath-keepers.

BSA is a network of Sabbath-keepers promoting the Sabbath in a positive way. It is our mission to seek to encourage understanding, communication, and mutual respect among Sabbath-keepers; to promote the knowledge, acceptance, and observance of the seventh-day Sabbath among all Bible believers; and to defend the freedom of believers in all nations to rest and worship on the seventh day of the week, and to seek to repeal all legislation that hinders Sabbath observance.

What BSA Produces

BSA publishes a variety of literature advocating the Sabbath: the Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups, and The Sabbath Sentinel, a full color bi-monthly magazine, which features news and articles by and for Sabbath-keepers of all persuasions.

What Will It Take for TSS to Continue in the 21st Century?

The Need for an Active Board and Membership

For TSS-to survive and prosper into the 21st Century, we need an active board of leaders in BSA-to assist with our mission and objectives. The general election is coming up in 1999 and we are looking for dynamic individuals who can devote their time to make BSA into a great global network of Sabbath-keepers. We also need active members. As Paul stated "But now are they many members, yet but one body" (1 Corinthians 12:20). Since BSA is a non-denominational and not a church, it is an organism where all Sabbath-keepers can participate.

The Need For Volunteers and Ideas to Improve BSA as a Network

TSS needs contributing writers and reporters. We are looking for volunteers to assist us in putting together an exhaustive database of Sabbath-keeping organizations, of which a listing will be provided. For individuals who are travelling around the world, it would be great to be able to locate a Sabbath-keeping fellowship through a directory on paper or on our web site. We need your ideas on how we can reach more Sabbath-keepers. We are considering putting together a more comprehensive library of books and other material, and a resource center that all Sabbath-keepers can use. Our web site will soon be updated.


The Sabbath Sentinel is a forum for advertising new books, resource materials, events and other information to assist all Sabbath-keepers. We should tell Sabbath keepers around the world about BSA.

In cooperation with many different assemblies and congregations, TSS can become a forum to better assist these groups. Let us know if you would like to advertise in The Sabbath Sentinel about your organization and its activities.

It takes money for TSS to become the foremost global network for Sabbath-keepers!

All work performed by the President of The Bible Sabbath Association and the board of directors, the Editor of The Sabbath Sentinel and its editorial staff, and other contributors are completely a volunteer effort. We have no paid ministers or TSS-office workers. However, to provide the magazine, booklets, tapes, videotapes, and other services it costs money.

BSA is a non-profit organization [IRS code 501(c) (3)] and is not in business to make money on the preaching the gospel and promotion of the seventh-day Sabbath. Preaching the Gospel was intended to be free to those individuals who received it (Proverbs 23:23; Matthew 10:8; 1 Timothy 6:5; Luke 8:3, 10:7-8; 2 Corinthians 2:17).

If it were financially possible to provide all our material, including TSS gratis to anyone who asked, we would certainly do it. We do believe that the Eternal will provide a way for us to continue our work through the offerings of co-workers and members.

Your Assistance Can Change Our Present Financial Slump

BSA is currently at its lowest funding point. There are talks among board members of making TSS exist only as a quarterly magazine or move to a newsletter format to reduce costs for 1999; as well as, reducing the quality of the paper in the magazine. In order for us to survive, we need active participation and financial contribution.

We need more subscriptions to TSS and donations in order to get BSA-out of its present financial slump. In mentioning our present financial needs, have you considered giving part of your tithe to BSA?

For those individuals who believe in tithing and offerings as a means to provide financial contribution on a regular basis to support the preaching of the gospel, money can be taken out of tithes for subscriptions to TSS and to purchase of BSA’s many books, audio and video tapes and other Sabbath promoting literature.

The Sabbath is the sign between the Almighty and the children of Israel forever (Exodus 31:16-18). This perpetual covenant of love remains the test commandment in keeping a relationship with Him. Ancient and modern Israel is from the same cloth of disobedience; it was idolatry and sabbath breaking that drove them into physical and spiritual captivity.

What a shame if this institution which upholds the sign of obedience does not last into the new millennium. You can prevent this from happening.

Our Goals for 1999 and beyond

Here are some of the goals that we have for 1999 and beyond:

We appreciate your contributions and assistance in helping us make The BSA a global network for all Sabbath-keepers. If you have any ideas, please let us know. Thank you for you patronage and your prayers in this crucial time for us. TSS