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November - December 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel

Was Hurricane Katrina

a Judgment from God?

by Richard C Nickels

Some have wondered if the devastating Hurricane Katrina was a judgment from God. The answer is: prob­ably not. When the merciful Almighty punishes, He precedes His divine judgment with prophets whom He sends to warn the people to repent. "Surely the Lord will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets," Amos 3:7. Verse 6 shows this is referring to evil (disaster) in the city done by the Lord. So, in the case of the August 2005 disastrous hurricane and flood which struck New Orleans and the Gulf coast, there was no prophet of God which thun­dered a warning message of repentance upon these wicked cities.

And there is much for a Godly prophet to de­nounce. New Orleans, according to the Catholic publication, Our Sunday Visitor, of October 1 5, 1995 is "the most Catholic city in America." Unlike other states in America, Louisiana has parishes rather than counties, and its state law is based on Roman law (from Catholic Europe). New Orleans is known throughout America as the Sin City of the South. If Catholics had the truth of God, you would see the Catholic Church denounce the wickedness of New Orleans, rather than participate in its wickedness. During the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Mayor said the citizens are strong because they "party hard."

And "partying hard" is the major feature of New Orleans. Drunken and sinful celebrations fill their calendars. We allknow about Mardi Gras, the Catholic Celebration, which Rome adopted from devil worshiping pagans. During Mardi Gras, the Catholics are allowed to act like the very devil in public, before they have to "fast" for the 40 days of pagan Lent. Mardi Gras is one of the most sinful and decadent celebrations in the world. One of the young people who attended last year's Marti Gras, summed up the celebration and the spirit of those who attend when he said: "It is sin and degradation, and we love it!"

On the calendar for Labor Day (the weekend after Katrina made landfall) was scheduled the annual "Gay Mardi Gras," (Southern Decadence) where sodomites from all over converge in New Orleans. Just like the February Mardi Gras, their satanic acts were to be on display for the public.

Following Labor Day, the City of New Orleans was planning on celebrating "Gay Halloween." The traditional Halloween celebration is again a Satanic holiday, adopted by the apostate Roman Church, but in New Orleans a traditional sin has to become even more sinful. Read Romans 1:18-32 to see what the Eternal God thinks of the sodomite city of the southern United States.
Katrina curtailed this year's plans for New Orleans' Gay Halloween and Gay Mardi Gras. That's good news.

And, turning to the Mississippi coast, there are Gulfport, Biloxi, and other smaller towns, which for­merly were delightful beach areas, but in recent years have been taken over by gambling casinos on barges. Hypocritical "Bible Belt" professing Christians have to this point not allowed gambling on shore. Plans to re­build the casinos are underway, this time on land. Such dens of iniquity are not routinely condemned by Sabbatarian ministers, because either they, their flocks, or both, are often avid gamblers. Some Mississippians would rather have jobs at casinos than eliminate the evil of gambling. Please see our free article, BS098, "Is Gambling a Sin?" (available from Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849). Gambling is totally contrary to the Christian way of life.

So, there are plenty of reasons why the Almighty could have sent judgment upon New Orleans and the Gulf coast in the form of Hurricane Katrina. But the evidence is, that He did not. You see, God is merciful. "He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust," Mat­thew 5:45. When God does send judgment, He will send forerunners, His prophets, to plead with the people for repentance. God does not get any pleasure in the death and destruction of the wicked. In Hurri­cane Katrina, the just and the unjust suffered alike. God warns, and delivers His people from destruction. So, this recent disaster is a natural consequence of man departing from God, and not a specific punishment from the Creator.

So, there are plenty of reasons why the Almighty could have sent judgment upon New Orleans and the Gulf coast in the form of Hurricane Katrina. But the evidence is, that He did not.

Where does that leave us? We should reach out with compassion to help our brethren and others dev­astated by this terrible calamity. We should continue to denounce sin, and call sinners to repentance. New Orleans and southern Mississippi may rebuild and con­tinue on their sinful decadent ways. It appears that some, led by wicked sodomites, will refuse to repent:, "thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedest to be ashamed," Jeremiah 3:3. Those few who do respond in repentance, we should help with open arms, and pray that the Eternal will lead more to repentance. It will take a lot more and worse devastation for many to "get the picture," and see their own sinful deprav­ity, and yield to the sovereignty of God. Let us continue to proclaim the everlasting Gospel unto all them that dwell on the earth, to every nation, kindred, and tongue, and people, crying out to them to fear God and give glory to Him which created Heaven and earth, for the hour of His judgment is coming (see Revelation 14:6-7). All Christ-rejecting sinners are go­ing to experience the wrath of God. Most will get a taste of it in this life, but all will taste it after judgment day. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God," Hebrews 10:31, far worse than a hurricane.Repenting now is the smart choice. That is the lesson of Hurricane Katrina.


November -December 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel