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November - December 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel

Faith or Observance of the Law

By Julia Benson

Galatians 3:5 poses this question: Does God give you His Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?

In my experience it is because I believe what I heard, especially in the realm of an­swered prayer. If I believe, it will be so. That is the power of God. Furthermore, it is because I believe that I try to observe the law. (However, I would hate for anyone to see my knees because they are pretty bruised up from all the stumbling that I do!

It seems to me that as my relationship with God moves from being sporadic, repetitious prayer requests to a more constant relationship with Him, He will take my deepest desires and my greatest fears and work miracles.

I have been relating to God outside of a traditional prayer and answerer relation­ship. I want him to permeate my every spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and even physical level. Because of this kind of relation­ship with him I have seen amazing things happen in my life and in the lives of those around me. I could try to list my answered prayers now, but it would be too arbitrary to measure the infinite goodness that has been showered upon me by my Father in Heaven. His goodness is more than just an­swered prayer requests. It is in God's full knowledge of me and His love for me that he answers my prayers, eases my worries, anticipates what I need, and totally and completely takes care of me.

Julia Benson is a freelance writer who lives near the town of Farmersburg, Iowa. She attends a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Prairie du Chien, Wis­consin.


November -December 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel