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Bible Sabbath Association Expands to the United Kingdom

Robert Taylor, a 30-year-old single man, has founded The Bible Sabbath Association in the United Kingdom. Robert lived in South Africa from 1976 to 1989, where he began reading The Plain Truth magazine and increased his knowledge of the Bible. He emigrated back to England where he now resides.

Taylor has been a member of the Sabbath community since 1991, being called by God in his early teens. He joined the Worldwide Church of God at the age of 16. He diligently studied the Bible to find out the answers to life's questions, and was perplexed by the answers found in the Bible in light of his upbringing in the Church of England.

Robert Taylor recently founded the Bible Sabbath Association in the United Kingdom. He says it was "after my deep desire to serve the people of God in the United Kingdom through a process of reconciliation amongst the various Sabbatarian organisations." Mr. Taylor is distributing The Sabbath Sentinel magazine in the United Kingdom and Europe, as well as BSA literature in the region. The Gillette, Wyoming, BSA office plans to bulk ship materials to Robert Taylor for European distribution.

Visit the B S A United Kingdom website: http://www.biblesabbath.org.uk.

Taylor's E-mail address is robert@biblesabbath.org.uk.

You may wish to write him at: PO Box 2086, Abbeydale, Gloucester, GL4 4WD, UNITED KINGDOM.

Robert brings to the BSA a great deal of enthusiasm for spreading the Sabbath truth. I am looking forward to working with Robert Taylor!

— by Richard C. Nickels


May - June 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel