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In Memoriam

Sister Camilla Dorothy

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your kind notes of sympathy and remembrances of Camilla. She died on January 8, just a few weeks short of her 74th birthday. Your comments provided encouragement to me and JoAn during a very sad time. Our eyes are drying out and we move on with the great memories of Camilla we will always hold. She has left a big hole in our lives that cannot be filled until that beautiful resurrection we all long for.
The funeral, which I officiated, was before a packed chapel of about two hundred people. Camilla had a large family of seventeen grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Unable to attend were two of Camilla's long-time friends, Dr. Karl & Donna Hampton, who now live in Montana. Karl wrote the paragraph's below which I read during the service. I think it captures one of Camilla's most attractive character qualities. The picture of Camilla to the left was taken about the time her husband Dr. Charles Dorothy died.
—Ken & JoAn Westby

(Editor's Note: Camilla Dorothy was the sister of longtime BSA board member, Kenneth Westby.)


Along the road of life, we've seen many sights and places, we've met and spoken to so many people. Most contacts with others were momentary, fleeting in passing — the names and even faces — long forgotten.
But there are those — the few along the road of life — who have traveled closely with us. Our lives and theirs have been woven and melded together. Along this road we have shared our dearest hopes and dreams .... as well as our greatest difficulties and sorrows. We have rejoiced together — sharing meals, blending our voices in songs and laughter. We've sat together in stillness as we've shared disappointments and loss ... such a one was Camilla ... such a friend, and more than a friend was Camilla.
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe, with a true friend like Camilla. Having neither to weigh our thoughts, nor measure our words, but pouring them all right out, just as they were, chaff and grain together. Certain that a faithful hand would take and sift them — keep what was worth keeping — and, with the breath of love and kindness, blow the rest away.
For nearly 45 years, we have been blessed by knowing Camilla. But what is that to having her friendship throughout the glorious eternity which lies ahead.

Karl and Donna Hampton


March - April 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel