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Available Free:

One page titled "Tithes Were Given to Others Only Once Every Three Years," and one page titled "Is Autumn 2005-2006 AD a Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25)??"
Write: David Rydholm, 2518 17th Ave. NW, Olympia, WA 98502

Thank You!
I want to personally thank each and everyone who responded to our 2005 fundraiser. The response has been phenomenal. May God bless all of you. —Shirley Nickels, BSA office manager.

Notice to Pastors

If you are a pastor, ask us for a free copy of our Directory of Sabbath-Observing Organizations for your church library. It is a handy tool for staying in touch with other Sabbath-keeping groups in your area and around the world.

FREE: with the picture of Christ Jesus as biblically described. Precept upon precept during these 22 years in striving to fulfill His will. Learn of your Creator, Saviour and High Priest of the New Testament; also as the God whose name is "I AM" in the Old Testament as His Calendar teaches. For you and others interested. Limited to 10 outside the USA due to high airmail postage. Write to:
Church of God (New Testament ), AL
74-4963A Mamalahoa Highway
Holualoa, HI 96725 USA

The Seventh Day, Part 4

(VHS or DVD)

The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History. Narrated by Hal Holbrook, parts 1 through 4 are now available from The Bible Sabbath Association. Part Four (60 min.) spotlights the resurgence of Sabbath observance in an era of religious upheaval—from late 15th century Russia through 16th century rebellion of Protestants, to the radical Sabbath revival of England in 17th century (cc). Part One (52 min.) lays the foundation for Sabbath in the creation. Part Two (47 min.) covers Sabbath history from Jesus to the fourth century. Part Three (50 min.) covers the Sabbath-keeping St. Patrick of Ireland through Wycliffe.

Available for $20 for 1 or $18 each for 2 or more. Non-members: add $3 for shipping and handling.
Write to The Bible Sabbath Association 802 N.W. 21st Ave. Battleground, WA 98604.
You may also order by credit card by calling 1-888-687-5191 (toll free), or e-mail at biblesabbath@comcast.net.

Directory of Sabbath-Observing Organizations

If you order $25 worth of resources from the Bible Sabbath Association, we will throw in a copy of our Directory for free.


January - February 2005 The Sabbath Sentinel