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November - December 2001 The Sabbath Sentinel

Letters to the Editor

Standing Firm

Hello. Just wanted to drop a quick note and tell June Narber Harrison how much I enjoyed her article in the July-August 2001 issue of The Sabbath Sentinel. It was right on target.


Kenny James, Paris, TN

Torah keeping

Mr. Davis,

Shalom on the eve of the HaSuccot!

I'm not quite sure how your group received my email address but I'm glad to know that there are others who are proclaiming the message of the Torah. I read the Feast of Succoth message sent to me on Monday, Oct. 1, and I can't help but inquire about a few things. The first thing is that it seems that your group's goal is to promote Sabbath keeping. If this is the case, then are you not concentrating on promoting TORAH keeping??? Keeping the Sabbath is "one point - in the law". If you offend in one point, you offend in all - correct? Why not promote the TRUTH?

Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

The Messiah Yahshua tells us that all the laws hang on Loving Your Neighbor, not Sabbath keeping. Don't get me wrong; Sabbath keeping is a crucial point in the Law. It serves as a sign between Our Creator and His people (all those who keep the commandments and hold the testimony of Yahshua). It serves as a regulator between man and God's creation. It has many critical applications for both man and the earth. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that Sabbath-keeping is what balances nature with man. Yes, I could go on and on about the benefits of Sabbath keeping. I could go on and on about all the Commandments. The Commandments are what govern the entire universe. Every living thing, every element in the earth, adheres to the commandments of God - except man!! All the 613 laws play a vital part of the existence of this earth and man's existence and destiny. They are DIRECTLY RELATED!!

As followers of the True and Living God - YHWH we must recognize the need to bring the TRUE GOSPEL to Fear YHWH and keep His commandments. Remember: THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.


(The writer identifies himself only by his e-mail handle "danitdonna." A note on e-mail etiquette: ALL CAPS in e-mail is considered SHOUTING.--Editor)

Greetings and Shalom,

The Bible Sabbath Association (BSA) is non-denominational. We are not a church and hence do not promote any particular doctrine except what is common to all Sabbatarians, i.e., the Sabbath. While it is important that we all follow all of God's commandments, statutes and judgments, we believe that with respect to the "Ten Words," the Sabbath is the very heart of Torah. The Jewish midrash says that the Sabbath is equal in importance to the whole Torah. "The Holy One Blessed be He said to Israel, `If you merit keeping the Sabbath, I will consider it as if you kept all the mitzvot of the Torah; and if you desecrate it, I will consider it as if you desecrated all the mitzvot'" (Shemot Rabbah 25:15). This is not to downplay the rest of Torah, but to emphasize the place of the Sabbath in it.

There are many organizations and individual members from various Sabbath-keeping groups who espouse various doctrinal views, the BSA does not promote any particular group or their views.

There are many members who hold similar convictions as yours. From time to time we publish articles in The Sabbath Sentinel(TSS) that reflect those views. We do this in the interest of our readership so that they can be cognizant of the various Sabbath-keeping convictions and traditions that exist among Sabbatarians.

The BSA also publishes a directory of over 400 Sabbath-keeping organizations that gives a brief description of their organization and the doctrines they teach.

One of the aims and goals of the BSA is to promote fellowship, understanding and cooperation between Sabbath-keepers of various groups. In the previous edition of TSS I addressed the difficulty and the obstacles this presents to most Sabbatarians. The subscription to TSS is free; we only ask for a donation to help to defray the costs of mailing.

Thank you for your interest in the BSA.

Sidney L. Davis, Jr., president, BSA

From BSA Nigeria

The Nigeria Bible Sabbath Association (NIBSA) wishes to express her heart felt sympathy and prayers to all those who have directly or indirectly been affected in the dastardly act of terrorism on the American people Tuesday, 11th September, 2001. The escalating wave of brutality of this magnitude in recent years serves as a reminder to the world that time is fast running out on this world of sin wickedness.

May the Almighty provide speedy recovery and succour to the affected and the people of America in general.

Bassey Akpan -- National Coordinator


November - December 2001 The Sabbath Sentinel