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September - October 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel


Letters to the Editor

Kudos, good job! I received TSS today. Your editorial confirmed beliefs I hold near and dear. Recently I had a discussion with our former pastor in Tulsa. Unfortunately, he felt the need to slam another Christian religion in one of his recent services.

It would be nice if the co-operation could develop between all Christian religions, though I understand starting smaller and trying to get the Sabbath keeping groups to co-operate.

Gloria Motamedi

Thanks for your kind words. One day we will all be on the same page and carefully considering how our words affect our brethren.


I am with the Church of God (Seventh day Sanctified) here in the Philippines. I have heard that there is a free subscription for THE SABBATH SENTINEL Magazine of the BSA. Please send me a copy of it, if you have an extra. I have read also that you offer a yearly scholarship award to young people who compete an essay writing about the sabbath. Please give me more details about how can I join it.

Noemi Clemente

The Sabbath Sentinel is indeed a free magazine. You can get your subscription by accessing the BSA website at www.biblesabbath.org or by writing the address on the inside front cover. Membership details are on the website also, or again, you can request them from the address listed.


I'm seeking other individuals who would like to become part of a Sabbath "congregation". I live in a rural area and am finding it very difficult to find the "truth" in local churches. I would love to start a group using the SBS info in my area. Are there others who would be interested in participating? How can I find out? Please point me in the right direction.

Denise Beynon

Have you tried calling our toll free number to find out if there are other Sabbath keeping congregations in your area? By our count, there are over 200 different Sabbath keeping groups in existence in the United States alone. There is a good chance that there is at least one other group in your area. I pray for your success on this effort!


In the May/June 2000 issue of The Sabbath Sentinel on pages 13-15 is an article written by Dr. Sidney Davis, president of BSA. The article highlights the Beulah Church of God 7th Day-and Evangelist "Mother" Aldith Reid and the work she has done and continues to do for the children of Haiti. I commend her for this and hope she can continue in her endeavors.

What I am writing about is Dr. Davis addressing "Mother" Reid as "evangelist" which is NOT scriptural. Eph. 4:7-11 when compared with 1 Cor. 14:34 and 1Tim.2:12 clearly forbid a woman from holding any position within the church where she might be in a possible position to teach men.

I read your editorial and then the following sentence on page 2: "Opinions expressed in The Sabbath Sentinel are those of the writers and do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Staff or of The Bible Sabbath Association." How do you determine what to publish, then, if the opinions are not at least partially your own? Political correctness has NO place within the body of Christ. Neither does doctrinal neutrality. 2 Tim. 3:16 reads: "All Scipture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for \line correction, for instruction in righteousness." Now I know that nothing printed within the covers of TSS is scripture, but every article should be scripturally sound. The one mentioned in this message is NOT. It's going to be interesting to see what kind of spiritual fruit will be produced by printing such articles.

I have a suggestion, though. Please keep the same familiar title, "The Sabbath Sentinel", but why not include the subtitle, "The Political Correctness Voice of the Sabbatarian Community"? It's a little long, but you can manage it. At least, readers will know what to expect when their issue arrives.

Tommy West

Your point only holds water if you believe the scripture in Ephesians 4 is some sort of hierarchical listing of positions in the church. But, that is not what I see written there; those are gifts. I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to revisit the error-filled attitude developed toward women of God based upon the scriptures you list-and some you didn't. I am always looking for ideas for articles. Such was the shocking realization that some believe that a woman's role is to "sit down and shut up so you can learn something...and while I think about it, put something on your head." I pray that such an attitude is not the norm in the Body of Christ.



September - October 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel