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May - June 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel


by Joe J. Corrales

They took my hands and then my feet,
and nailed them to the cross.
The pain I felt was so complete,
all hope was quickly lost.

As I hung there, I wondered at,
what brought me to this fate?
Did I deserve, as I think back,
to die in this cruel place?

I lift my head and see the crowd,
that waits for me to die.
I think and then, I ask out loud,
"Can someone tell me why?"

They laugh and mock and now I see,
compassion missing there.
I know that I could die in peace,
just knowing someone cared.

And then I turned and saw with awe,
the master hanging there.
I marveled at his great resolve,
denying to be spared.

I know now I deserve this pain,
not he who knew no fault.
While I have lived my life in vain,
he pays this price for all.

I looked into the savior's eyes,
and saw his love for me.
I said, "I know you are the Christ,
if only they could see!"

"So do forgive and think of me,
as you go receive your prize!"
He said, "Because it is that you believe,
you'll join me there.... in paradise!"


May - June 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel