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March - April 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel

The Strength of Common Ground

by Darl Arbogast

The Anglo Saxon descendents of Israel seem to have been born with a lust for freedom. It has been a hallmark in our history, regardless of what land our ancestors occupied. On the other hand, just as strong as the lust for freedom, has been our legacy of disdain and contempt for tyranny and oppression.

Such, who are privileged to have been called and given an understanding of God's true Sabbath, can look back over the bloodstained pages of history to the first century, and trace a trail of tears. Those tears were poured out by the persecuted saints as they fled, bled and died, trying to escape the crushing hand of religious tyranny. After the government of Rome sanctioned the apostate church (which had fallen away from God's true Sabbath and the 14th Passover, and had adopted Sunday and Easter, among other pagan beliefs), that church became the Roman "Universal" Church, known to us as the Roman Catholic Church!

The imperial government of Rome ruled nearly all of the civilized world in the 4th Century, so their state religion was quickly dispersed into every province they controlled. They sent their priests in to assume control of all religious teaching to the uttermost parts of the world.

Jerome, a Hebrew and Greek scholar, was contracted by the apostate Roman Church to translate a Bible. This is where the Latin Vulgate originated. It is a Bible made to order for the Roman Catholic Church, to protect and give credence to their version of the truth!

There was also a Hebrew and Greek scholar in Damascus by the name of Lucian who operated a school for teaching and writing Hebrew. Lucian was not under pressure to bend the writings any certain way to satisfy those who paid his salary, as Jerome was. He was able to bring the Hebrew into Greek as accurately as possible. The Bible he produced became known as the "Greek Text" and as the "Recognized Text".

Recognizing this, we see the danger of Christians' looking to the "early church fathers" for instructions or guidance. By the time Jerome was contracted to translate a Bible, those apostate church leaders had fallen from the truth. They had inculcated so many pagan beliefs into their religion that they outnumbered the truths which remained.

Those Christians who remained faithful to God's Sabbath and the 14th Passover continued with the Greek text which was purer in its translation. The apostates clung to the Vulgate, which had been polluted and slanted in its translation to give credence to the false doctrines being taught by the apostate "church fathers," who were framing and establishing the Roman Catholic Church!

The faithful Sabbath keepers who observed the 14th Passover became known by their Greek nickname, which was Sabbatarian "Quarto-decimens." These Sabbath keeping Christians ranged from the middle east through Asia Minor to Europe, on up through Scandinavia, and over into Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England.

For over 1,000 years they suffered heavily at the hands of the Church of Rome. They were driven from their homes and massacred by the millions. It was Satan's attempt to bury the true Spirit Body of Jesus Christ, which He had proclaimed could not be done in Matthew 16:18!

A man of whom every Sabbath keeping Christian in America should take note, and for whom they should give a silent prayer of thanks to God, is Stephen Mumford.... Persecution against Sabbath keepers in Europe grew severe in 1664. At the time Stephen Mumford and his wife came to America from England, scarcely a dozen known small congregations remained. They were in hiding for the most part, meeting in the homes of members, rather than meeting openly in public.

By 1671, Stephen Mumford and his wife had established the first Sabbath keeping congregation on American soil. From that one congregation, today we have the Seventh Day Baptists, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Church of God Seventh Day, and literally hundreds of other branch-off groups. Many, if not most, of these groups are independent and unincorporated.... Filling one's lungs with the breath of freedom should be as much a right in one's congregation as it is in one's country.

Had the early American Sabbath keeping congregations pulled together and shared their common ground, instead of pulling apart and dividing up into various and competing camps, think of the witness to the world that they would have been all these years! America has had its chance to become a Sabbath keeping nation! God sent a teacher of this truth here, early on, while the nation was in its infancy.

Unfortunately, the politicians of America, as in virtually every nation on earth, resist the true Sabbath rather than embrace it. It did not help the situation that the Sabbath keeping congregations became divided. This diminished their influence on the law makers, and caused a great deal of struggle for those who took up the challenge to protect the fundamental rights of Sabbath keepers in this country.

Many Sabbath keepers have fought a valiant fight with the lawmakers to maintain and defend the rights of Sabbath keepers in this nation. Our forefathers established it as a nation founded upon the principle of religious freedom. Today, it seems evident that the overwhelming majority of Sabbath keeping Christians live in nations occupied by the descendents of ancient Israel: those who do bear a double responsibility!

Not only are they very likely to be a biological Israelite - but also, possibly a spiritual Israelite, as stated in Galatians 6:16. A physical seed of Abraham and Isaac and and spiritual seed of Christ, also! What an awesome thought!

I visualize that our efforts ought to be one of "healing of a breach." If all the Sabbath keeping brethren in America had stuck together and pulled together, regardless of what their corporate name may have been, from 1671 until now, America might be a much better place than it is today! Year after year, our political system, and those who are involved in it, have both continually seemed to degrade resulting in what appears now to be a culture with little respect for law or morality.

The people who serve our country are no longer expected to uphold the same high standards our leaders were in years gone by. Could it have been different? Could it yet be saved? Could this ugly shameful situation be turned around?

As for we Sabbath keepers, our Savior, Christ Jesus, did not create denominations or organizations, or corporations! He created a single plan of salvation, with one weekly Sabbath common to us all; He made the Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath. He is Lord of that Sabbath, and the only way to eternal life is through Him. This is why Sabbath observance is so important.

Let us review verse three of the book of Jude: "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."

Today some Sabbath keeping volunteers are standing in the gap caused by the division that has continued among Sabbath keeping churches of America for well over one hundred and fifty years. Can the breach be healed? We simply do not know! We do know that the public at large is prejudiced against Sabbath keeping churches. A stigma such as this is a definite hindrance to our being an effective witness.

The Bible Sabbath Association poses no threat insofar as recruiting pressures, etc. are concerned. It is on neutral ground, with volunteers from every group wanting to be involved. Can the Bible Sabbath Association fill this gap and be an effective witness to do the work which remains - a work that these churches have not been able to accomplish?

In Titus 1:4 we also see our common faith mentioned! All who are true followers of Christ are partakers of the common faith! . . . Philipians 1:27 reads, "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you, or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel...."

How will this generation of Sabbath keepers be judged for striving together for the faith of the gospel? I sincerely hope that we will make a better showing in the areas of commonality, of cooperation, and diligence than our previous generations have done.

What on earth is to be gained by Sabbath keepers alienating themselves and distancing themselves from one another? The answer to that is "nothing!" On the other hand, there is everything to gain by love, respect, and acceptance of one another, individually and by group.

When we consider just how great the sacrifice of Christ has been for each of us, and how little most of us have done for one another, then we ought to wonder just where the love of God is in our lives. What have we really done for our Saviour to help get the gospel out? Any such positive effort is also a service to the masses in society who have yet to experience His Way.

Keepers of the Sabbath, possessing the Holy Spirit of God, are called the "house of God." We are admonished that "today judgement is upon the house of God!" This is a very sobering thought, but we can be glad and rejoice if we know that we are doing our best.

As we step forward into the new century, let us make the most of what common ground we find. Let us lock our arms together singing praises to our Heavenly Father for the privilege to know Him and to serve Him, and let us know each other, serving side by side with each other as we take the gospel to the world!

We are experiencing the true freedom - freedom from the entrapment of sin and Satan, and freedom to share the joy of such with as many as the Lord our God will call! "From every mountain side let freedom ring."

Darl E. Arbogast, a long time member of the Church of God, and a Sabbatarian, can receive comments at his mailing address: 4080 Due West Rd., Kennesaw, Ga. 30152 Phone: 770-428-5719. Or, comments may be sent to The Sabbath Sentinel at our mailing address on the inside cover. Email comments can be sent to the editor at rmitchel@flash.net


March - April 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel