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January - February 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel

Sabbath Has Come

June Narber Harrison

As day becomes night and light has ceased.
The Holy time, our weekly feast.
Shines forth in her glory to give us rest.
A day set apart that is truly blessed.

The week drug on, no end in sight,
Until it came to this Holy night.
The Sabbath time is finally at hand.
Created by God, for rest for man.

I reflect on the Deeds that were done.
By the Word, the Logos, God's own son.
Creator, Sustainer, Messiah and King.
Refreshment He brings to my wearied soul.

Holy time is a precious gift.
To study God's word and to reflect.
Unique in substance and created hue.
It is made for me, and for you!

Use this gift from our God above.
Once in seven, given in love.
To bond us to our maker and King.
To His Eternal Glory we Sing!

A final thought to share with you.
Love each other, the many and few.
Who Know this truth so rare and true.
Celebrate the Sabbath,each week anew.


January - February 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel