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January - February 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel

Report from Gabon

Pastor Michael Porter

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus our Lord. I was a pastor of Eglise du Gabon until in late 1998 (when) God opened my eyes to the amazing truth. I was confronted (with) this saving message by a preacher who preaches through WORLD HARVEST RADIO INTERNATIONAL in Indiana, United States. God spoke to me concerning the Sabbath and the need to surrender my entire life to Him. The preacher spoke on the second coming, the mark of the beast, national Sunday law, etc. At first, I was not comfortable with what I saw as a false teaching, but I was compelled to keep on listening and judge with the scripture. I tuned in each weekend and the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to (see) the truth. I began to thank God that I did not (turn) off the radio on the first day. God brought a great change in my life and I made up my mind to follow the true gospel and to keep His Sabbath. I shared my testimony with my wife and she accepted the message, for which I praised the Lord.

We became Sabbatarians at heart. During our national convention my wife encouraged me to present the message without fear and allow the will of God to be done. I told her, "I will be mobbed," but through her prayers I was fortified and I presented the truth as it was. At the end of the convention several members besieged my house and demanded my resignation, excommunication and sack. The Church council gave me 2 weeks to vacate the premises, as they accused me of preaching (a) false gospel. God made it possible for us to leave unhurt and 33 people came out with me. We now meet for worship and fellowship on the Sabbaths and week days. I am now sharing a room with a brother in his house. My children no longer go to school. We have no food and no money and my wife had to return to the village as I can no longer afford an accommodation. WHAT A GREAT PRICE TO PAY FOR THE TRUTH. However, our nation is in a deep Spiritual darkness and only this true gospel can set her free. Since I embraced this truth, I have found peace, joy and assurance. There is a freedom of worship in our country but bible based Christianity is lacking here. There (is) a mixture of paganism and Christianity in worship in our country; almost all the Churches are victims. Demons of alcoholism, sex, gambling and ancestor worship are holding millions imprisoned. There is a custom, or what would I call ... very common here, (that) young girls and ladies are having children outside of wedlock, and in most cases no one claims responsibility for it. The situation is very appalling and even the so called Christians are victims. Scarcely you see a family without illegitimate children.

My only heart's desire is for the Sabbath truth to be circulated all over Gabon and Central African region for the salvation of man before He comes. We are ready to stand (in) the gap lest we be destroyed. I believe God led me to the truth at this time for a purpose and I am ready. We are ready to circulate this truth to (every) nook and cranny of Gabon, if supported. There is hunger in the land, not of bread and wine, but for the undiluted word of God. We need large quantities of bibles for school students who crave them. God is bringing revival to Gabon and we want you to help us. I have a burden to go to villages, cities, towns, etc., to circulate the message. We shall need large quantities of books, bibles, tracts, audio/video tapes, study aids and at least 10 copies of Study Bibles. Can you provide us with any help? Above all we need your prayers to stand firm and faithful, even in the midst of trial.

Let us hear from you; the night is far spent. Help us to bring this light to Gabon and to other nations around us. Remain blessed as we anxiously wait for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Yours in the blessed hope,

Michael Porter
Libreville, Gabon

Your English is very good for someone from French-speaking Africa! We praise God for your growth in His Truth, especially about the Sabbath. We will, God willing, be sending you Sabbath materials, including copies of The Sabbath Sentinel magazine. God bless you as you stand up for Him!

Richard Nickels

Pastor Porter's plea for help in preaching the truth about God's Sabbath is one example of the crying need that the world has for the proclamation of His Sabbaths and Laws- within the context of the Gospel dispensation of the soon-coming Kingdom of God. As we continue to grow in strength at BSA, we pray that we are better able to accommodate such evangelistic efforts by those truly committed to the Holy Laws of God!



January - February 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel