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January - February 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel

Feedback . . .

Letters to the Editor

There is one more thing that I forgot to men- tion before when some were giving their opinion about a color versus a black & white Sentinel: I think that the black & white is fine, and in fact, I like to see the saving of money. Color does not make the articles....the writer does. Thanks.....I am a conservative person and I don't like to see waste in anything.

Minnie (last name withheld)

Thanks for your support Minnie! We agree that economy for the purpose of getting His Word into the hands of as many as pos- sible is the ideal! Color is grand, and I believe that we should return to that when possible- but it is far more important to get the message out! --- Royce

Ron & Donna McKown, who have operated the Friends of the Family Lending Library for a few years, would like to know if anyone is willing to take over this responsibility. The library con- sists of a wide range of books, tapes, videos, etc. from Focus on the Family and other sources. Many of the items have been donated by Giving & Sharing. The library needs to be expanded to include homeschooling items. An individual who wishes to assume this responsibility should be willing to promote the lending service, maintain records and inventory, and contribute or seek others to assist with, post- age expenses. If you are interested, please contact the McKown's at rdmckown@juno.com .

Rich Nickels

We hope that someone familiar with TSS or BSA will be willing to take over this labor of love. --- Royce

When you die, can you be buried on the Sabbath day or should you wait until Sunday?

Larry Kalmowitz

Most Sabbath-keepers such as ourselves would answer your question as I will here. The living relatives should generally respect the wishes of the deceased. The Sabbath commandment forbids all unnecessary work for us. The Sabbath-keeper would also want to take reasonable measures to prevent others (our servants) from working as well. Therefore, a Sabbath-keeping family would not normally schedule a funeral and burial on the Sabbath. There MAY be some rare circumstances when this is not possible. We pray that God will give us wisdom to face such situations so as to minimize, or eliminate entirely, Sabbath work relating to funerals and burial of the dead. We do know that Jesus' righteous uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, rushed to place the dead body of Jesus in the tomb BEFORE the Sabbath. This example is clear for us to follow. I will forward you a free copy of The Sabbath Sentinel magazine. Thanks for asking. --- Rich

Dear Brother Davis:
Thank you for your encoraging words, and prayers. Rejoice with me as on yesterday, my congregation voted over whelmingly in favor of making the transition to Seventh Day Baptist Church. We are planning to have our first Sab- bath worship service on December 11,99. We are excited in anticipation of what the Lord has in store for us as we continue to labor in his vine- yard. We would appreciate any printed materi- als that you may share with us. Shalom!!!

Jim Rowe


March - April 2000 The Sabbath Sentinel