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November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

First Vice President
Ken Westby

Ken Westby, 60, has been celebrating God's Sabbath for over 40 years. He now serves as First Vice President on BSA's Board of Directors. Over the years he has contributed many articles to TSS including a three-part series on The Amazing 7-Day Cycle.

Westby is director of the Association for Christian Development (ACD) which he founded in 1974. He is editor of ACD's journal The New Millennium, a bimonthly periodical. Ken is also host of the weekly, live "Virtual Church" Sabbath services (918-222-7158, 11 AM PST). This is a special service for the elderly, shut-ins, and Sabbatarians who don't have a local church to attend. He and his associate, the late Dr. Charles Dorothy, have authored hundreds of tapes and articles on various biblical themes.

Prior to 1974, Ken pastored and raised up many churches in the Midwest and East Coast. In 1968 he was appointed Regional Director for the Worldwide Church of God's East Coast ministry and operations. In the early 70s Ken actively worked for reform of certain church doctrines and policies, and for ethical reform among church leadership. He notes that all his activity was done within system channels, as part of a team effort, and with the full knowledge of his superiors. As matters progressed, he ended up the leader of a reformation movement which eventually produced a crisis resulting in his firing (along with 35 other ministers) in February of 1974.

Ken married JoAn (Goodson) the day they both graduated from Ambassador College in 1964. They have four grown children and five grandchildren. JoAn works as a Senior Consultant for the Oracle Corporation. They reside in Auburn, Washington.


November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel