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November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Richard Nickels

Richard C. Nickels, a native of Oregon, has also lived in Texas, California, Missouri, Washington, and Wyoming. He and his wife Shirley have three children: Barbara, Rachel and Amanda. An accountant and computer consultant, Nickels currently works for a major coal mining company in Gillette, Wyoming. He is a graduate of Linfield College (B.A., 1969, Summa Cum Laude).

Richard Nickels became a "World Tomorrow" broadcast listener in 1961, was baptized in 1969, and was employed by the Worldwide Church of God from 1971-1973. Since 1978, he has written numerous articles and books for Giving & Sharing, a nonprofit mail order bookstore serving Sabbath-keepers around the world. From 1996-1999, Richard Nickels was President of the Bible Sabbath Association. He continues to serve as a Board Member.

Shirley Nickels, formerly Shirley Whitaker, grew up in the Church of God in Asheville, North Carolina, and Eugene, Oregon. She currently serves as Office Manager for the Bible Sabbath Association from the Nickels home in Wyoming.

Serving God's people has been a labor of love for the Nickels family. They believe that God's Truth is so precious that they must diligently share it with others. During his more than twenty years of ministry, Richard Nickels has never been monetarily compensated for his labor for the brethren.

Also contributing to the efforts at TSS is Amanda (Mandy) Nickels, Richard's daughter. She has been a contributor on aspects of God's way, as seen from the eyes of a teen.

You may write the Nickels directly at:

Richard C. Nickels
802 N.W. 21st Ave.
Battleground, WA 98604
or call at (360) 687-1541,
or E-mail him at biblesabbath@comcast.net.


November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel