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November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Royce Mitchell, Jr.
The Sabbath Sentinel Editor

Royce Eugene Mitchell, Jr., has been set by the Board of Directors to be the Editor for The Sabbath Sentinel (TSS). Having been elected to the Board of the Bible Sabbath Association in the 1999 elections, he also agreed to remain in service to the Board by continuing in the Editor's position.

Royce first came into contact with God's Sabbath as a youth in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). It was there that the "Sisters" taught him how to find the commandments of God in Exodus 20. Finding the command to keep the Sabbath holy, he questioned why the RCC did not keep the Sabbath as commanded. The answer did not satisfy the young man, who responded, "Who is this pope that he can change the law of God?" Before long, he was no longer an altar boy!

The incident was forgotten until years later when God began to open his mind to the truth about His Sabbaths. The calling was done through the work done by Herbert Armstrong. While in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), Royce continued to study and to meditate on the meanings of the Laws and other Commands of God.

In 1995, as the WCG, under direction of the Tkachs, made known its descent into heresy by rejecting God's Sabbaths, Royce and his wife Susie, made the decision to leave the WCG and to begin attending with the United Church of God, an International Association (UCG). They still attend UCG in the Houston South Congregation.

In the spring of 1998, Royce was made aware of TSS through the auspices of our recently elected Recording Secretary, and Board Member, June Harrison. June encouraged Royce to begin writing again, something which he had not done since college. In the WCG, the brethren were not encouraged to use those types of talents unless specifically asked to do so. So, at the urging of Mrs. Harrison, and another occasional TSS contributor, Royce began to write articles for TSS.

With the resignation of Lars Harrison as Editor of TSS, the search went out to find a new editor. Again, at the suggestion of June Harrison, and others, Royce accepted the challenge on a temporary basis, awaiting one more qualified than he to come forward and take on the responsibility.

The 1999 elections found Royce elected to the board, and reappointed to the Editor's position. He still maintains his willingness to step down if a more qualified editor can be found.

Royce brings to the Bible Sabbath Association the desire to see cooperation amongst all of those called to understand the truth of God's Sabbaths, without regard to the organization with which they fellowship. He sees TSS as the vehicle with the potential to bring that vision to pass. In a world increasingly fraught with dangerous attacks on the Way of Life described by Christ, among which is the Sabbath, he sees TSS as the vehicle to promote similarities between all Sabbath keeping brethren, rather than to broadcast the differences.

As Editor, Royce asks that all of us, who desire the fellowship of God's people, might work together to make TSS the best magazine it can be. The TSS is our magazine, and it is up to all of us to do our part in making TSS that best magazine. Surely, our God, the Lord of Sabbaths, will do the rest!


November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel