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November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

John Conrod
BSA Board Member

I have both a Bachelor's degree in business administration from Seattle Pacific University and a Master's degree in Pastoral Counselling from Eastern Baptist Seminary. I worked for many years in the pastorate of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination as well as in the accounting and business administration fields. At times the positions required serving in both areas at the same time.

When computers took over the accounting work, I took the time to learn computer programming. The company for which I was working at the time as Cost Accountant had me put the financial records up on their new computer. I now do voluntary work through a nonprofit organization called New Covenant Ministries. Much of the present work consists of internal audits for nonprofit organizations all across the United States. I also am the editor of a monthly internet newsletter for the Mid-Continent Association of Seventh Day Baptists entitled "Fisherman's Net" which is archived on the web at- http://www.seventhdaybaptist.net/fishnet/ .

I have been serving as a member of the Board of Directors and served as a Vice President of the Bible Sabbath Association for the past eight years. I now look forward to serving you as a board member for another four years and pray that the Almighty will continue to bless the work of the Association for His glory.


November - December 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel