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August - September 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Letters to the Editor . . .

The Road Not Taken

I just read your article The Road Not Taken in The Sabbath Sentinel. That poem has long been a favourite of mine as well. You gave it a new significance, and deeper meaning, for me. I wanted to thank you for your article, "What is the Greater Spiritual Church of God?" I would welcome any literature you could send to me (I am trying to learn more about the importance of the Sabbath). I (also) liked (the) article Unless You Change . . . I grew up in a church that did not emphasize the Sabbath other than it being a day to attend a service. I now understand that the Sabbath is more than just a day for church-going --- that the whole day should be devoted to God.

Robert Barlow

I liked the latest TSS; but, I liked the one before better because it talked about issues confronting true sabbath keepers and helps for them. The last few years I almost feel like apologizing for believing in real sabbath observance. For years 1st-day people accused us of trying to be saved by works . . . now "our own people" are saying that . . . It (the TSS) was encouraging and exciting to read. The Bible Advocate used to be like that . . . but, no more. Info on new groups is fine. "Expressly liked" articles of encouragement, "Dislike:" Articles promoting luke warm sabbath observance. I like articles for young people; because, I have a l4 year old daughter. I do think that you should not over do in that area because older people without children may not read it. In that area though I would like thoughts on dancing . . . we do not dance, but I notice that there are some who do and I wonder . . . am I being too strict with my daughter . . . . I really think though that it is worldly.

Minnie Albert

Thanks for your letter of encouragement, and insight. On dancing, it would do us all well to remember that David danced before the Ark of the Covenant as it was being brought into Jerusalem. Dancing in of itself is not the problem. As with all things men do, there are ways to bring honor to God as well as dishonor to Him, through dance. The best course, might be to teach our children to honor God, and let them seek wisdom themselves about things like dancing. --- editor

New Sabbath Keeper

. . . I recently became a SABBATH KEEPER. I was blessed with a copy of the SABBATH SENTINEL and I read your article, I really enjoyed your words and I agree, I've been keeping the SABBATH for a couple of months now and the LORD keeps blessing me with new truths all the time, and I praise GOD for that. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that it inspires me to hear about other SABBATH KEEPERS, may GOD BLESS YOU and KEEP YOU.


Question about the Sabbath

We enjoyed The Sabbath Sentinel and thank you for sending it to us, but how can one keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy when everyone else goes to church on Sunday, although very few keep it holy?

M/M Marvin Kilty

You ask a great question about the Sabbath! It reminds me of Elijah, who despaired of being alone to serve God, until he was told about the 7000 others whom God had reserved! Read about it in 1Kings 19. Keeping the Sabbath in the face of the actions of the world around us, including our friends, can be a formidable task. You can rest assured that many of us have had the same questions that you have. Yet, the command and example of Christ illustrate that we must keep the day that He made holy. He also said that His yoke is light. He will provide a way for us to keep His Sabbath, if we really do want to do so. Since this subject could take up much space, might I suggest that you write for the BSA order form, at the address inside the front cover. The BSA provides much valuable Sabbath material, and at a very low cost. This should help answer the rest of your questions! --- editor

Calendar of Events is Helpful Feature in TSS

The March-May, 1999 issue of The Sabbath Sentinel was such an excllent issue with practical articles for Sabbath-keepers and their job, and in the military, and informing us of current discussions over the Sabbath with the Sabbath Under Crossfire book review and adversaries of the Sabbath article; we want to share it widely.

We attended the "Proclaiming the Sabbath More Fully Conference" at Michigan which was listed in TSS Calendar of Events and were richly blessed. Two concepts which were reinforced by several speakers were: the coming into unity of all the commandment-keeping believers, and that when we enter into the Sabbath by celebrating it and our life as gifts from Yahweh it is pleasing and glorifying to Him. . . . We appreciate your ministry!

Margaret & Ken Hawley

The Last Issue of TSS Appreciated

We have read through the newly arrived TSS, and are pleasantly surprised at the inclusion of the article from one of our own, John Quincy Adams. The opening editorial and closing article drawn from Matthew 18:1-6 were wonderful. The article on keeping/breaking the Sabbath was also right in line with our tenets. The Sabbath should be observed as a delight with both reverence and celebration! The article on how we are to walk according to Scripture was inspirational as well. All the children's articles gave such hope for the future. Sabbatarian and Scriptural TRUTH looks to be in good straits for the future if these several articles are any indication! I think it would be the best issue I have seen in a long time and maybe ever.

Chris Barr

Readers Enjoy Youth Articles

First, I am grateful for such a fine magazine as TSS, and devour each . . . issue. I wanted to comment on an article in the Jan/Feb. issue entitled Faith in God by Mandie Nickels. This really caught my eye and shows some wonderful maturity and understanding for a writer so young. Her story has much to say to teenagers and adults alike. There is good and bad in every person, but most people are not receptive to God's truths. They simply haven't been called yet. By abiding in God's Word we can develop the character He wants, and, when the day comes, we can teach, train or just love these people. Yes, Mandie, I look forward to meeting you in Christ's Kingdom.


The June/July TSS was impressive even without color! It is encouraging to see the youth interested in the Sabbath. It is the youth that can reclaim our culture for the Kingdom of God here on earth. The older generation is apathetic, or just feels helpless to stem the tide of liberalism. The I generation is in charge. Will the youth have the strength and courage to break the rebellion that obsesses America? Sarah Toney so aptly describes what happens when one link in the ten (in this case, "Thou shalt not kill") is deleted by society --- the whole civilization suffers. A society of death. When the Fourth Commandment was changed, and now being obliterated, it led the way for adultery, death, covetousness and lieing to also be set at naught. The religion of America has become, "everyman did that which was right in his own sight." Now it is right for everyone to do his own thing as long as it does not hurt ME!

Lettie Siddens

A friend let me read a couple of his back issues of The Sabbath Sentinel and I must say, they were a blessing to me. The articles touched my soul like a breath of fresh air. I am in prison, with very limited funds, so I was quite happily surprised, and spurred into action, upon discovering I could obtain a subscription to TSS, free of charge. This I would very much appreciate. Thank you for your faithfulness in God's service.

Charles Dunnick


August - September 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel