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August-September 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Are Miracles the "Test?"

by Bill S.

Miracles are not the "test" as to whether or not a man is a man of God. The book of Revelation describes a Great False Prophet who, at the time of the end, will work tremendous miracles. This man, in Revelation 13, is symbolized as a "lamb beast." He will have power from Satan to cause fire to come down out of the sky in the sight of men (Rev. 13:13-14).

When this world-famous religious leader begins to work his wonders, he will speak "as a dragon." His message will be that all men must worship his unholy partner, who is referred to as the Beast (Rev. 13:13-18).

In the first chapter of Job, Satan's power to do evil is described. The description of that power is expanded in the False Prophet, who will deceive millions, if not billions.

Don't let yourself become one of those deceived ones. When Christ returns, one of His first acts will be to remove the Beast and the False Prophet (Rev. 19:20). Those who have heeded their evil message will also be dealt with. We have the power to avoid such deception! Let us put it to use every day!

Bill asked us not to use his last name, but we thank him anyway for his insightful article!


August - September 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel