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June-July 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel


by John Quincy Adams

Mrs. Mary Adams Tweedy of Pocahontas, Arkansas is a Lifetime Member of the Bible Sabbath Association. The year 1921 was the last year that her father, John Quincy Adams, was a Pastor and high-ranking officer for the Southern Baptists. That same year, Mr. Adams came to the Biblical TRUTH of the 7th-Day Sabbath. In the years following, he traveled extensively proclaiming the Sabbath TRUTH. His writings spanned the globe on the subject. Following is a portion of an address he gave about the 7th-Day Sabbath that was subsequently published in 1944.

"There are two kinds of Memorials. Physical ones such as postage stamps, coins, the founding of universities and hospitals, or the giving of some simply physical token as a mere rose. Then there are Spiritual ones such as setting apart a day or days as with wedding anniversaries, baby dedications, and the like in memory of some event.

God has called upon men to memorialize holy things in both the physical and Spiritual realms. In the physical, for 4,000 years, there was the offering-up of certain clean animals in sacrifice, to memorialize the truth that "the wages of sin is death", and, that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin". Then, when the perfect sacrifice came, that which was imperfect was done away (1st Cor. 13:10).

Other divinely instituted physical memorials are the symbolical partaking of the broken bread and the fruit of the vine, to portray symbolically the broken body of our Lord Jesus Christ and His shed blood which is to be observed "till He come" (1st Cor. 11:26). There is also the watery burial which is to memorialize the death of our Lord Jesus, and His burial and resurrection. Thus this baptism sets forth in symbol-form our own belief as well, in that as surely as Death lay the body one-day in the grave, yet there shall at last be a resurrection for the body.


But there is another kind of memorial that has nothing of the physical about it. We now refer to the setting apart of special Memorial Days or seasons, in memory of some event or circumstance. These, as we have just stated, abound in the lives of both individuals and in the careers of Nations.

The one sole fact with which I am concerned in this address is the fact that Jehovah God has instituted and designated Day Memorials not simply for one race of men but for mankind. For part of my life on this point I thought these Memorial Days were for Jews only.

There is not a thing about the weekly 7th-day Sabbath that is Jewish or racial, nor yet dispensational. It memorializes Jehovah God as Creator-not of the Jewish earth but of the whole human race, our entire earth, and everything that is upon or within it! Where do we get such? From Jehovah God's description of the day itself in Exodus 20:8-11.

"On six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a solemn rest and a holy convocation." … "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work; but the 7th-day is a Sabbath UNTO JEHOVAH … FOR" (and now comes the Reason Why) "in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the 7th-day; wherefore" (the reason pointed out again) "Jehovah" (not Moses or the Jews or any race but "Jehovah") "blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it"!

Thus indisputably the one sole basis for the 7th-day Sabbath is to memorialize Jehovah God as Creator of the whole earth and of all mankind! Oh, how this is needed today! The human race has greatly multiplied and grown wise and extremely skilful,-as God intended. Shamefully, it has forgotten its origin! Today, multitudes teach that we came from the amoeba (a-me-ba) by way of the monkey. They do not know that "In the beginning, God!"

In the closing book of the Holy Classics (Revelation 14:6) we are warned that when "the hour of judgment is come" at the end of the present Church-age, THEN we surely shall need to be found worshipping "Him that made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and Fountain of Waters." That is, at end of the World or Age the Divine warning is make sure that we are found worshipping That God Who made the Earth and all Mankind, as Creator of all Things! Now faithful observance of the 7th-day Sabbath is badge of just such worship,-according to the Divine statement itself from the Scripture quoted above.

The full passage of Exodus 20:8-11 takes in our "son" and our "daughter". This means it is not enough that merely the head of the family comply with the Divine Requirement. If they are living with us, it must extend to sons and daughters.

Following this is "thy manservant, nor thy maidservant" which tells us it is not sufficient if the entire family observes the Sabbath but hire others to work on this day. That is forbidden.

Then follows "nor thy cattle" which means we cannot loan a horse to a neighbor to plow a garden or work for him, though a non-Sabbath-keeper, on this day.

Finally "nor, thy stranger that is within thy gates" means those who are only guests in our home,- must observe the 7th-day Sabbath while in our home!

Oh, how clean-sweeping! We must be known and read of all men that we are not in darkness as to our origin, whence we came, whither we go, and WHO is God,-Jehovah, the Creator, the Giver of the Bible as written in the Book of Genesis!

The phrase "in it, thou shalt not do any work", is interpreted by Jesus Christ (the one only God himself come in male human flesh-veil). When people in His day tried to pretend that nothing at all could be done on the Sabbath, on any Sabbath, He said it is lawful to do work of two types on Sabbath Days: Works of Mercy, and, Works of Necessity. "Necessity" does not mean, "It is necessary for me to make a living-therefore I shall clerk in a store, or plow my garden on the Sabbath". He illustrated what is meant by necessity.

We read a "Christian" paper's answer to a woman about keeping the Sabbath and that editor told her if she would keep the Sabbath as the Scriptures required it to be kept, she could not pick up a pin or open a Letter on the Sabbath day! What willful misrepresentation! Picking up a pin, or opening a Letter, is not "work".

Yes, we may do needful things on this day, tidy our rooms,-but not scour them; eat our meals,-but not cook them; visit and go,-but not make it a day of travel. He who pretends that the observance of this day is "burdensome" or forbids picking up a pin, opening a Letter, visiting, or tidying,-was called "Pharisee" in Jesus' Day and, oh, how He rebuked them for their interpretation of manner of Sabbath "rest"!

"Turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My Holy Day" (Isa. 58:13) does not mean we cannot eat our meals on the Sabbaths for to do so is pleasure. Nor does it mean we cannot walk in the park, or the country, or ride in the country on such days,-but these words mean we must not make the Sabbaths merely holidays,-days of vacationing from work merely and leave off the Divine Contact of worship on such Days!

By this sign shall all men (and Jehovah God in Heaven) know that of the gods many,-we worship as God Him Who created all things!


The 7th-day Sabbath memorializes God's contact with the planet, our universe and all mankind as Creator. Its observance signifies our knowledge of whence we came, whither we go, that we believe in the Divine origin of the natural creation, and that it is the great Creator that we worship and not some petty man set up as God.

God created more than Jews-so the 7th day Sabbath is more than a Jewish matter. As Jesus said, "It is for man"-note the universality, all mankind. "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27.

More writings from the first half of this century by John Quincy Adams on Sabbath and other related Biblical subjects are available from the group he began at Little Children of JESUS CHRIST, 89 Homeplace Trail, Pocahontas, AR 72455 - http://www.childrenofjesus.org


June - July 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel