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March-May 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

President's Letter . . .

New Editor Needed

Lars Harrison has resigned as TSS Editor. We wish to thank Lars for the excellent work he has done. You may also see his fine work in putting past issues of the magazine on the Internet at the BSA website, www.biblesabbath.org

The Bible Sabbath Association needs a new editor as soon as possible. Are you interested in promoting Sabbatarian co-operation and the challenging work of gathering articles, page layout, and meeting printing deadlines? One of the most difficult tasks is obtaining good quality articles. Although the pay is currently nil, the rewards of helping others more than compensates for the hard work. I have greatly enjoyed putting this magazine together, but other responsibilities make this endeavor more than I can handle.

If you would like to become the BSA editor, or assist in editorial tasks, please contact me at (307) 686-5191 or E-mail biblesabbath@comcast.net. Thanks for your willingness to help!

Bacchiocchi? Not Again!

Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, Professor of Church History and Theology at Seventh-day Adventist Andrews University, is a controversial figure. Besides being the most noted Sabbatarian of our time, he draws controversy wherever he goes, even in Sabbatarian circles. At a "Friends of the Sabbath," seminar in Bend, Oregon, a couple of years ago, a Seventh-day Adventist loudly proclaimed, "Dr. Bacchiocchi does not represent the Seventh-day Adventist Church." Dr. Sam says that he is banned as a speaker at some SDA colleges and churches. This is probably due to his uncompromising stance against women's ordination, and his support for the observance of the annual Biblical Holy Days.

Has there been over kill or too much focus on Bacchiocchi? Do leaders often get too much coverage, and smaller, less known Sabbath-keepers not enough recognition? Actually, TSS has given little coverage to this champion of the Sabbath. We should cover both the small and big activities of interest to Sabbath-keepers.

The seventh day Sabbath is under attack, even within Sabbatarian churches. When in Australia to attend the 1996 "Friends of the Sabbath" seminar in Sydney, a sincere SDA told me of a concerted movement within the Seventh-day Adventist Church to get rid of the Sabbath, like what has happened in the Worldwide Church of God. Dale Ratzlaff, former SDA, has attacked the Sabbath in his book, Sabbath in Crisis. Joseph Tkach, Jr., current head of the Worldwide Church of God, has jettisoned Sabbath-keeping in that organization, although assembling on the Sabbath in that Church is still practiced by many. Tkach has close friends in the Church of God, Seventh Day, who may have the same agenda.

If you do not like Sam Bacchiocchi because of his sometimes high pressure book salesmanship, or dislike him for some other reason, please reconsider your blasé attitude towards him. Forget the man, and listen to the message of his new book, Sabbath Under Crossfire. How you respond to his message could well spell the difference between your abject capitulation to the frontal attack on the Sabbath, or your glorious victory in the Messiah, the Master of the Sabbath. Sabbath Under Crossfire is a monumental book. We in The Bible Sabbath Association are very pleased to highly recommend this excellent resource. If you know someone who has given up the Sabbath, give them a copy of this book, and perhaps the Almighty will use it to revive and rekindle their love for the true Sabbath day. The Sabbath Under Crossfire is available for a suggested donation of $12.50 from The Bible Sabbath Association.


March - May 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel