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March-May 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Summer Camp

by Mandie Nickels

Daily fellowships, nightly tuck-ins, lifetime friendships and most of all, fun activities. Sounds like a parent's dream? It is. And it's found at the summerChurch camp I go to, sponsored by the United Church of God, AIA.

This year, there are six UCG summer camps in the USA, for teenagers from the ages 10-18. I haveonly had the chance to experience one camp, Camp McKenzie, in Oregon. There, I have made the bestfriends a person could ever ask for. As a faithful Camp McKenzie camper, I am open to white-waterrafting, over-night hiking, meeting new campers, and taking a bite of camp food and actuallyswallowing.

I am a teenager growing up into today's society, and I can honestly say that there are very few thingsthat teenagers can do today for the Church. But taking part of summer camp teaches me, and it's a greatthing that a teenager like me can take advantage of. And one of the best things is, that your parents aremiles away from you, so if you don't clean your bunk, there is no one there to nag you to clean up. But,from experience, if you have the messiest bunk, you get a beautiful bouquet of broccoli and have to eatit in front of the whole camp. Yuck!

Each day we start with a breakfast and a Bible study. Then each cabin has its own schedule ofactivities. Such as, archery, riflery, swimming safety, dance class, ropes course, basketball, volleyball,astronomy, and even etiquette classes. At the end of camp, there is a special dinner and a dance.

Summer camp is the best thing for a teenager today. It gives you a chance to hang out with peoplejust like you, and have lots of fun doing it. There is nothing that pleases God more than His peoplehaving fun. And that's what Church camp is all about.

Mandie Nickels is a 14-year old Sabbath-keeper in Wyoming. You may contact her atmnickels@angelfire.com.

For more information about UCG summer youth camps, open to Sabbath-keepers in general:

Another youth camp is the Living Youth Camp, to be held in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan fromJuly 27 to August 9. Activities will include flag football, volleyball, fishing, dancing, canoeing, obstaclecourse and much, much more. Write: Living Youth Camp, 2200 Cherokee Strip, Blue Springs, MO64015, phone 816 228-2035, or E-mail: LYC@pars.net.


March - May 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel