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January - February 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel

Editoral . . .

A Body of Believers

Lars G. Harrison

Welcome to the first issue of The Sabbath Sentinel for 1999. In 1998, we fulfilled  our goals of improving the contents and layout/design of the magazine. This year we intend to continue our commitment of producing a quality magazine as a forum for Sabbath-keepers that: promotes an understanding of the Sabbath and cooperation among Sabbath-keepers, and where items of interest to Sabbath-observing groups and individuals can be shared. To further our goal of making the magazine widely distributed among Sabbath-keepers, we are making a few changes to the Sentinel. For the first time since its inception in 1945, the magazine is now free of charge. You can read the rationale behind this in the President's Message.

The magazine is back to its 24-page format, but with black and white covers to save cost. For a free yearly subscription to the magazine for yourself and your friends, contact BSA at the address on page 2. We would like to hear from you regarding these new changes. Consider supporting our agenda by contributing to the Sentinel, whether through advertisement, financial contributions (all donations are tax-deductible), article or news contributions.

I certainly appreciate articles that I received, and continue to receive. Without these, I probably would not have been able to produce this magazine. Providing all the editing and layout/design of the magazine stretches my volunteer time. My wife, June, has provided great support and contribution last year. I thank you all for your support.

Who is a Believer of the Messiah, Jesus Christ?

Can you spot a believer from a crowd of people in a mall or at a public event? Have we walked past or worked with a Sabbath-keeping believer unaware? How do we recognize a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, and what are the requirements for being a believer? The theme and focus of this issue is "A Body of Believers."

Many individuals have tarnished the fine reputation of many Sabbath-keepers by touting their "we are the only true believers and our church is the very church Jesus founded." It is time to heed the lessons of our Messiah and put them into action, rather than spending time arguing about which group is the true body of believers. As I recall, the Messiah scolded the disciples for asking which of them would have the highest position in the kingdom of God. Christ informed them that to be in kingdom, they had to have a child-like spiritual attitude (Mark 9:34-37). God the Father has given us (and all mankind —cf. 2 Peter 3:9) the greatest confidence we could ever have by calling us His sons and daughters. It is this hope that we should spread throughout the world, as witnesses of His grace.

Has God declared that in nature He has a greatest, single-most esteemed flora or fauna? Of course not, becuase He has created diversity and variety that compose the beauty of life. This is especially so with people. For more about a believer's diversity, read June Narber Harrison's thought-provoking article "Yellow Pencils -R- Us."

Paul said that the body of believers is comprised of many parts equally esteemed. However, it seems that many refuse to heed this and the supporting scriptures in favor of their own doctrine of supremacy. If leaders are so eager to be loved and recognized, perhaps they should consider using their talents and abilities in the world of profession, where fame and fortune is received for expressing selfish intentions. Christianity was never intended to be a profitable business and a way for some immature individuals to receive their praise (cf. Acts 5:28-31).

God's business is about praising and pleasing Him and helping others learn to love Him, themselves and their neighbors. Calvin Lashway talks about "How to Love One Another in Our Assemblies."

Are you a leader whom believers can trust? Many religious and political leaders have all but forgotten about trust and doing the right thing. The rule of law is no longer esteemed. But perhaps we should ask ourselves, are we receiving what we ask for or that which is in our hearts? Do most people influenced by Satan want an unrighteous lawless world? Since God gave Israel what they wanted, perhaps He is giving people unrighteous leaders because they want these types of leaders. Richard Nickels discusses this in his article "A Leader You Can Trust."

How do we recognize a brother in the faith? What characteristics does a brother possess? To find out more, read Royce Mitchell's article "Who, Then, Is Our Brother?"

In this issue, Mandie Nickels writes about her faith in God. We want to present more articles from Sabbath-keeping youth, and interest-stories about family, careers and pressing issues in our physical lives. If you know of any youth writers who are interested in writing, let us know.

We continue our regular feature of Sabbath-keeping organizations with an interview with Tom Justus, founder of Church of God, Sabbath Day. As a former printer, Tom has applied his talents and gifts in a unique ministry of providing free booklets to believers everywhere to be used in proclaiming the truth in local areas.

Sadly, some Sabbath-keepers attend a church, assembly or a group, and then return home to spend the remainder of the weekend, without much reflecting upon the purpose of keeping the Sabbath. Believers should guard the Sabbath and sanctify its use by worshiping God and connecting others to long-lasting relationships whether they are the one-on-one relationship to the Messiah and the Father, or the relationship to the body of believers. Dr. Jack Lane in this bible study "Just What is the Fourth Commandment?" discusses how we should learn to guard the Sabbath and keep it better.

I look forward to hearing from you, and have safe winter!

Lars G. Harrison
Editor, The Sabbath Sentinel


January - February 1999 The Sabbath Sentinel